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can you play as a male character?


Hey, incredible game, enjoyed every moment of it, especially for the fetish content. I would like to also report some bugs for the paid PC version (haven't played all the way through on mobile yet). I am happy to report the PC version is very stable and does not crash for me, but the bugs below impact the ability to conversations and finishing the story due to missing dialogue displays.


Not a bug, but having the unlocked outfits carry through to your new games is pretty awesome.

The weight in KGS vs LBS resets back to "kgs" when you change maps, or rest. Sometimes, I think, when you speak to Stacy for conversation. Going into the settings menu and back out fixes it, but it's a little tedious for anyone who prefers to view their character's weight in pounds versus kilos and it's reset back to kilos.

Talking to Brittany after beating her in the eating contest has no dialogue. You can still click through to progress the conversation, but both the dialogue box and text do not show. She has no alternate outfit that works as a workaround, unlike Arabella. (edit as I type: Rachel in her alternate outfit may be a fix)

Talking to Arabella after meeting the Founder doesn't show dialogue (when outside of her room) unless you have her alternative outfit on. Happens on all occasions you speak with her post-Founder meeting. (edit as I type: it seems it fails when the devil is not in her alternate outfit? Or if Rachel is in an alternate skin. One of the two, further testing needed.)

Any conversations with the Founder (I think there's 3?) after you confront her about her deal with the devil, have no dialogue either. One *possible* work around is having the devil without her alternate skin but Rachel in hers. Otherwise, just have to click through to the end of each conversation. Initial meeting, asking about the food addiction, and confrontation all work fine.

2nd through 4th meeting with the Devil only, the camera is panned upwards like she's still tall. 4th is hit or miss, but consistent on the 3rd conversation when she tries to tempt you a 2nd time.

When Rachel is walking around and feeding her is unlocked, she's at her original size. Her final dialogue iirc, is also missing, unless she is in her alternate outfit.

I think that covers all of them. So yeah, nothing making the game crash or freeze, which is insane (positive) as a solo dev, so well done!

Hope you do a bug release! If you ever want a QA tester, if it helps, send me a message on BlueSky. No pressure, just letting you know the offer is there.

Congratulations on a great game!


Hey, thanks for the feedback bro, I appreciate that. I am aware of the dialouge bug but I can't consitsently replicate it therefore it's hard to pinpoint the cause. The problem is that each storybeat and each feature makes the code a little bigger and a little messier. Now all of it is basically held up with ducktape and faith. It's a wonder that everything works aswell as it does right now. I made the game way bigger than I should have but then again, this community is all about the bigger the better. Honestly, I don't really want to return to that project. The code is so fragile that if I fix one thing, I break another. I dont want to imagine how many days does it take to find that one bug

Do you only do QA or also playtesting aswell? There's something smaller scale I've been working on and I'd like to see how the gameplay holds up. I don't think that there are any bugs to find there though


I can do some playtesting. I can certainly give it a shot, but I can't promise the quality of my feedback as it's purely casual play I engage in. I promise to be as thorough as I can be, though!

Wish I knew Unity to help you untangle the coding, I can only imagine the nightmare it is. I get it. The hard work shows, all the same.


Thanks, sent you a message

(1 edit) (+2)

awesome game, just completed everything you can do in the paid version and free version and loved it. Hope you are doing alright lol what the devil said made me feel bad

(1 edit) (+1)

I think I encountered a bug on the pc version. Capacity at 400+, weight at 230+, all story that has been available read. Yet I cannot unlock the eating competition. The last bit of story was that I was not big enough. Since then... nothing.

Either that or I'm missing something critical, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what that might be.

If you're stuck, open quests there's a transparent text  in the botton corner that tells you what to do next


Welp, that worked. It told me to talk to Rachel, even though she didn't have a quest indicator. I've tried earlier, but clearly not hard enough. Thank you, I had no idea there was a written quest log.


Where did you see your capacity and your weight?
I have tried to find it but got nothing so far.


how do u unlock the milking mini game?


White Door and get further in story.




None in this game.

(1 edit)

How do i disable fps limit in newest pc windows version?
Now it's impossible to win eating contest, i'm more than sure that it's tied to frame rate, because when i played it after release, i had no problem at all (i've 300hz laptop)

That's strange, are you sure it can't be anything else, because I remember taking fps into consideration. Can't you win even with bigger sizes?

Yes,I have the same question.

I was able to beat the newest version eating contest. You have to have a much higher stomach limit than you used to. You should compete with an empty stomach and the competition is tough at the beginning now which is fine because I have beaten it all before so the higher difficulty is welcome in my opinion.

(3 edits)

I'm almost sure it's due to fps, because now i can't win first contest while having weight 123kg and earlier it was easy to do with weight about 80kg. I already lost three eating contests and my enemy usually eats 1 or 2 "dishes" more than me.
Earlier i was able to get more than 60 fps, so that's why i believe it's the reason. Unless you of course just made eating contests harder on purpose (i did not think about that)

I just tried a moment ago again, my weight was 138kg and i had rank -2 (yes, it's negative rank for losing so often)
I was eating almost INSTANTLY after burger icon became clickable, yet my enemy still beat me while eating 2 candies more than me.


I've been playing the full version and absolutely love it but I do wish the camera controls were different or had a mapping option as it can be quite fiddly being on left click especially when on a trackpad, and I often end up accidentally clicking on somewhere while trying to fight the camera and have to wait for my character to get to the spot I clicked before I can go back to what I'm doing.


do you have a patreon or anywhere to support the game and see further development? I’d love to continue to see great updates this game has been getting.


Would be nice. I think he is taking a break for awhile.


where can u find the sliders in full version?

it's behind the white door, but you need to progress the story before




How can u loose weight in the game?


The Lab has modifier for body size


Is there a way to get the modifier to stay without locking it? Unless I lock it all of the body modifiers except breasts don't stay

If you have paid version this issue is resolved.

I do have the paid version

Behind the white door there is a slider screen however, you don't really lose weight you just customize how big your character is. Starting a new game will reset your weight.


Is there a way to make the water inflation minigame easier?


It was easier in the demo for Android but it was made harder because a lot of people said it was to easy.


how can i change body shape in new version? like lower body


is the breast size supposed to reduce after milking? or simply in mini game? if not please consider adding the option to visually affect outside of the milk minigame to give more like dairy cow feeling the breasts could start swelling aswell after each day or morning/afternoo

Gain game probably won't be doing that since the game is fully out already. I think the only thing they didn't patch was in the mobile version of the game you still won't be allowed to move after playing the inflation mini game 


I just unlocked the milking mini game and can't figure out how to make it work. Is there something I'm not doing or still need to do?

You need to get bigger breasts

I maxxed out my breasts and figured out a had to click and move my mouse side to side. Though I am curious, what exactly does the milk you get from milking do. Is it just there to be another food or does it do something else?

you're supposed to pull them down

Pulling down just didn't work for me except for getting her into position otherwise I had to move my mouseside to side to milk her.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong with the eating competition but I cannot win. I'm at -15 rank and her stomach capacity is at 2500cal. Not sure how much more it needs to be. 

Like, I wait to click and suddenly the opponent eats 3 in a row. What am I supposed to do? Sitting there waiting but they can eat 3 in a row. And why is a tie counted as defeat, shouldn't it just not count? 

Honestly you're gonna need to gain more weight, or at least increase your capacity. The mini game isn't broken at all and in the later stages it's super easy to win

Yeah I figured it out. Side note, what ranking are you supposed to be to face Stacy? I'm at rank 50 now and haven't had a chance to face her.

It's not about rank, it's about progressing the story

Question how does the food competition works cause I keep on losing even though I wait and press the butto


You should play it with an empty stomach and if that's not enough, you should gain more stomach capacity

how do I get in the food contest?

Eventually the blonde girl will let you in.

(1 edit) (+1)

So, cool game so far, but sometimes the game softlocks when I get the package from doing the packing minigame

How does the milking game work, nothing is happening and it wastes 2 energy.

You pull down


When do you think the sandbox mode will be ready? Great game by the way!


I'm not sure. It was supposed to be quick and simple. By breaking the game engine I found a way to make her bigger than should be possible, but the problem is that it workd inconsitantly rn. I'll upload it when I find a way to make it more stable

Thank you for working on this! Nice!

I cant end the day if i try to sleep the buttom disappears and nothing happens

You have to talk to everyone first


Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong with the eating contests?  I click the icon when it's fully colored in, and i still lose every time

I think you need to increase your belly capacity or weight

I think I finished the game. I really liked it.
Are you open to chat ?

I'm a music composer and I would like to create tracks for video-games creators

yeah, we could chat. Idk if you use discord but my name there is gaingame

Alright ! I will try to add you 

My name is Claudiolechat. I tried to add you


I really have been enjoying this new update so far, but I've noticed one thing. The edits made to your character (hair color, skin, etc.) don't carry over when you play the inflation minigame. You go back to looking like the default character.

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