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Perhaps it's human nature to focus on things that we didn't like so much or that we would like to see differently. That's why I want to emphasize again how great this game is! Her facial expressions (I especially love the overfed one) and movements, the customizable hairstyles/clothes, the UI (the swollen stomach symbol when overstuffed - hot hot hot!) and of course the perfectly placed sound effects and soundscape and also the minigames. Be sure that a lot of people will appreciate these details, even if not everyone might comment on them :-)

Thank you so much! Most of the descisions are made by my own tastes, so if a lot of the comments are just about the bugs, it's hard to see if they like the other stuff.

So thank you again for taking your time. I really need this feedback.

(2 edits) (+1)

Here's a suggestion give ability to feed others and that way make others fater


It's gonna be possible on the full version


very good game, I like it, but I lost two unimportant chickens XD. but I know that instead of making a figure of a huge character that may have a negative impact on the operation of the game, it's better to give a block, although I don't know if for the "devil" it would be better to just turn off collisions, although I don't know, I'm not a developer, just a beta tester, and you're doing very well and may you achieve your goal.


but apart from that I didn't find any other errors except that the game likes to get stuck from time to time during dialogue and I don't know if it's some animation or my phone's fault


will there be a bigger size for the iflation minigame cause i hit the max. i kinda expected it to be bigger


The inflation minigame doesn't seem to have any sort of cap. You can get bigger than the entire area.


I had fun. This game have huge potential

Deleted 297 days ago


I'm sorry to hear that. I think that your high framerate plays a huge role on this. I'll look further into this and I hope that I can fix it

This minigame depends on framerate? I had 144 fps and right one is very difficult sometimes


Right now it is. But I'm trying to fix it. There's an update coming soon


Different body types to select from would be nice. Personally not a fan of when it focuses on one part. A more spread out type is more my thing. Still a really good start!


Game is funny, but I think that bellyies are looking strange


This game is definitely showing promise. My top recommendation would be sounds. Sounds go a long way in a game like this. I think even a just a burp sound effect whenever one overfills their stomach would be great. You could also make sound effects toggleable for those who find them annoying or unnecessary.

I also think that movement speed should be faster.


it never saves my changes after i mess with the sliders, is it supposed to be temporary?

Yea, it's supposed to be outside of the game. Just to show how far you've gotten

Hello, I wanted to ask what type of Android system it supports.

I'm not sure. I don't really have a good technical knowledge


Playing the PC version and I'm kind of wanting for more interactivity. On top of that, the main food sorting minigame is a bit overtuned towards being unfairly fast most of the time, and a sprint button sure would be nice. Mostly I just want some more dialogue with more of the characters, and maybe a chance for Stacy to warm up to the player character? 


Can you elaborate on what you mean by more interactivity? I'm open to any ideas that I can manage to do.

Yeah the sorting game is a bit problematic for PC. The original idea was for this game to be mobile only.  So I will make changes to this at some point, I don't know when though.

I'll see what I can do about the movementT

he game is not finished so there will be more dialogue. It just takes a lot of time. 

Although I'm glad you want more dialogue. I'm not that good of a writer so I was really worried at first that people might not like it.


How can I make his breasts bigger?


currently you cant


Will there be a bigger belly size? I think I hit the absolute max lol


The max isnt enough??

(1 edit) (+1)

Nope. Got her to where she don't fit through the door anymore, and to where her stomach fully covers the blonde lady at the door. Got her to where she can eat four whole chickens and is still not stuffed. Got her to where she is perma-prego on an empty stomach. Either that or more story please....


that doesnt sound like the max, i have her at the point where she can eat 20 chickens without making visible progress on the fullness meter... her completely empty stomach is also bigger than her which is why i wanna mess with sliders to make it not as extreme so i can actually see her swell when i stuff her.


Like, I will send you my save if you want lol.


Gaingameing: allright heres the max size what do you think?
the_krypt_keeper: Bigger.
Gaingameing: What?
the_krypt_keeper: Bigger.
gaingameing: But sir she all read...
the_krypt_keeper: did i fucking stutter?




I fucking love this lol

haha, omg. I'll keep that one in mind. You should wait for the full release

(8 edits) (+1)

I don't mind the size it's taking me a while I can only make her eat a Chicken I'm honestly just hoping the weight doesn't revert & the sliders work permanently because the sliders were not working effectively even without clothes hopefully both can be setup for final free game if it's Money or time your lacking I don't mind giving money & waiting a few months if things go well also I thought of an Idea for that door that she's guarding like a secret area with a particular reward for later in game it may take time to do but it's worth the game.


Hey i had just wanted to know where we would have to go in order to customize the sliders on our character


It's somewhere between stacy and the inflation minigame


uhm, somewhy the game with packaging is broken, items to put in box just don't apear, im playing on pc


Can't tell, is saving not implemented, or just broken? I'm on PC, if that matters. I'm not seeing anything on the Itch page about saves not working.

Main reason I'm asking is because the game mentions saving and quitting when you quit the game, but it seemed to have lost the data.

I'll assume you unzipped the file. Then there is one theory I have is that you pressed the middle mouse button, which for testing purposes deleted the save. I frogot to leave it in and I just removed that feature.


Yeah, unzipped to the desktop. I bet I probably did hit the MMB since that's a common button to turn cameras around in PC games.


Okay, so I have some suggestions that would help this game. Can I message you them, or do you want me to message them on your discord?

You can write it here or my discord name is gaingame if you want it there


Alright. I will post it on your discord! I subbed to it last night actually.

Wait, I haven't recived any messages on discord, are you sure you got the right guy?


I hit the link under the game. I haven't sent any messages yet. I just got out of work and away from my PC. 


It's giving me issues. I will tell you here. I think you should do the character creation right when you start the game the first time, instead of after the introduction. Have it to where you can buy new stuff over time and not just supplies

Oh I was actually planning to make the clothes unlockable, but I didn't get to that point. But I wanted to keep deafult clothes at the start of the game so that over time you can get more clothes


please make a pc version to new update


This is how far I have gotten my character. Will there be more?


Okay, so I played the PC version. It's not bad. Still early in development. I have many questions, like who's the chef?

Sorry, I havent updated the pc version


I realized that and I downloaded it to my phone. It's very interesting. Posted up some pictures 


good but my old save means i have to have the pan all the way maxed out so do anything lol

I tried to delete the old save for the new version but it just created more problems. I was able to resest the game when I deleted the folder in UE4Game/MyProject3/MyProject/Saved

(1 edit) (+1)

Will you be updating the PC version one last time for free as well, before it goes over to a paid version?



(5 edits)

I want to ask about the secret room and $ i cannot find the room at minimum also can i open doors and how?


What was the update 3 days ago?

Nothing, I uploaded a hidden file for testing.


Ah I updated and got curious XD Thanks~

Deleted 1 year ago

This is honestly a really minor and stupid gripe for me to have, but would it be possible to have click to feed rather than drag to feed? Even just as a toggle function. Otherwise, I'm really enjoying what you have made so far and it's running absolutely perfectly.

Thanks for the response. Are you playing on PC? I feel like it might be more tedious on PC than mobile. 

I worked so hard on the drag and drop feature and I like how it turned out. I hope to keep it on mobile, but I completely understand why I should change it on PC.


I've done a bit of both, but I mostly play on my PC. It's honestly a really minor gripe and doesn't need to be taken completely seriously, especially if it undoes your work. I appreciate the response.


you can add burps 

(1 edit) (+1)

If you add burps, Mr. GainGame, please make them toggleable. Not for everybody. I honestly just speak for me on this one. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

No shade bro bro

I don't know if I will add them but if I do then they will definetly be toggleable


Coming from the android version: Love how the yiddies pop out of the smallest shirt. I know it's just clipping, but that probably should be a feature later. Who knows? Anyways, I need a zoom feature. I need to properly observe the sheer expanse of this woman. I believe, other than what people have already commented, that's my only gripe so far. Loving the game though.

Thanks for commenting, I see you've played it alot by now. I'm glad you pointed out the clipping. I've actually thought about ripping shirts here so if I would quickly decrease the size of the shirt, then it would look quite effective. It's just that I don't know when or where to use it.

Deleted 58 days ago

There's a max limit set on pretty low right now. I wanted to leave something for the full version too

Deleted 58 days ago

Unless you just wanna see her like this a lot of the time, or just filling up your screen, I'd stay wherever you are. I played A LOT of the inflation minigame, as that is what I'm here for mainly. It allows her to get even bigger Everytime you over stuff her. Use a lot of candies. Every time her eating animation ends, she stops being stuffed, so just feed her another. There's a lot of going back and forth between those for me. At the point I'm at, even when her stomach is empty, she fills up the screen. If you wanna go for it, go for it. I continue to try to make her bigger. It's my dream. I like that when I feed her from empty to full, it makes her get big. I really wish at some point, Mr. GainGame here adds a feature where you can just inflate your character. Either that ir changes the model for the inflation game to your character's model. Well, when she's not full of course. Until then, or whatever direction this wonderful game goes, we'll have to see. Pardon for my mad late response by the way.


I've been working on a big update for a long time by now. Here's a small part of it.

I've been thinking about how to solve the problem that people think its too slow progression and I bet this is a good solution.

I'll give the player a control over the sliders of her weight so you will be able to go from current weight to the starting one. I enjoyed it and I bet you guys will too.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oooh, I'm excited to see this when it comes. I can't wait. Unfortunately, I have to, and so do the rest of you degenerates òmó At some point, you should add face too. Seeing those cheeks get chubby would be sexy


I am in love with the game, I do wish there was a way to transfer the belly fat to ass/boob fat tho


However I do think it's really funny to go for the whale build 😂😂

I'm glad you enjoy it. Right now this is the biggest the ass is gonna get. You should wait for the future updates, there will be more room for her to grow


When i started the game i had like 20000 money but when i actually used food it went down to 600 money

The 2000 is just a visual bug, it didn't show the actual amount.

ah oki, how do you get more  money in it?


I can't install the android version. My phone says that the file is corrupted


In the wardrobe, some icons pop out of the PC screen. The most annoying thing is that I can't choose the brown color because it's off the screen

Sorry about that, I'll fix it


Is there anyway to make a mac version?

I barely made the pc version which was way more tedious than I expected. If I'll ever make a mac version, it would probably be when the game is finished


pls browser, it looks awesome!


This game has good potential, I like it!


I wish there was a way to speed up her digestion. If you make her limit large enough it takes so long it feels like it was sloeed down to a halt. So maybe that weight lifting minigame can skip digestion progress or just speed it up like how the inflation one increases capacity.

Yeah I'm planning to work nore on the balancing


I think I may have messed it up :/


That's what happens when you use an autoclicker


Is there a way to delete game progress and start over?

there's no in-game way to do it


What the 2 minigames do?

Give you money and the inflation one increases her belly size


Is there a way to change her body size beside her belly


Her belly weight goes to her general weight, but really slowly


the timing inflation game has quite a delay which makes it almost impossible

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