The game is definitely a lot of fun though I think an option to make gains faster could be useful. just for the sake of seeing quick growth sequences. Nonetheless, great game for the community, excited to see any future updates and the core gameplay loop is enjoyable.
Also. minor issue, not sure how you'd go about fixing it, but clicking on menus puts a move point down. Move points also take priority over inputs, so holding W and then accidentally clicking just leads to you standing still, until you click on your feet or let go of W and autowalk to the point
edited: some of my "critiques" were undone by just progressing further, great game
hi, sadly eating comp issue is still there, they are eating much faster than we can most of the time, it seems to be more of a bug than the speed they eat as sometimes their bar will fill double what it should, i did a game capture to show what i mean if you are ok with me putting it up here
I sincerely apologize but I really enjoy this game on mobile but unfortunately I haven’t won a single competitive eating how do I win I’ve expanded upwards of 4k+ and tap the icon as soon as it’s full and I manage to always get less than my opponent what can I do
Just finished the game. Bit disappointed with the devil angle. Honestly i would have made her a reset option. At the end of the game you have the option to reset everything, the reward? All foods reward double the weight and the cost is reduced by 1-2 coins and you can do it up to 5 times
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm gonna make a sandbox version of the game where you can modify all the stats you want. So there's something to look forward to
So after downloading it this morning I've noticed that no matter how much capacity i have for the eating contest my opponent just eats faster than I can. Is there a way to increase the speed in which i can eat or is it a bug that they can just eat like... 2 or 3 pieces of food all at once. I haven't been able to win a single contest and i've run like 10 of them.
EDIT: Finally started winning, but i feel like the earliest stages of the eating competition shouldn't have taken as much expansion as it did. That said, I just need to grind way more than i thought i would need to.
EDIT 2: After doing more grinding, i found myself losing and being brought back down to ranking -8. My current quest is to beat stacy in an eating competition but I can't even crawl out of the negative ranks because every time i win a few matches I am immediately struck back down into the negatives because the AI is eating 2-3 pieces of food all at once and sometimes when the bars have met and I'm winning they eat while i'm not allowed to and it says I lose, even if my bar was longer.
just got the new update, my game still has an issue where all of the volume options reset to 0 when leaving settings, both in-game and on the title screen. wasn't sure if it was a bug or an issue with my PC so i thought i'd post it here, haven't seen anyone else mention it. redownloading the files doesn't fix it
also, my story progress seems to halt somewhere around getting the "falling out of bed" cutscene. i did two separate playthroughs and both ran into the issue. really frustrating cause it seems like half of what was advertised is in that second half.
i think i'll have to wait for another bug patch to try again, but overall, the improvements i've been able to experience were great! fantastic work!
sorry about the second issue mentioned, i'd played through the game by checking up on everyone, didn't notice the objective text. for the record, this game was $8 well spent
when i first downloaded and played the game. the audio had no issues. i can't for the life of me think of what i may have done to set this issue off, but i've noticed that save data persists even after trashing the game's folder. if you could please let me know where in a PC's memory the game's latent files would be stored, that'd be all i'd need, since theoretically, fixing this issue would be as simple as deleting those files and forcing the game to reestablish them.
also if it helps. for some reason the inflation sound effect from the water drinking minigame still works even though all sfx are at 0.
Hey I've been enjoying the game and I think I'm near the end. Do you never use the feedinator for anything? Seemed like the perfect way to fatten up your friends at the end
I was able to do a stopgap fix since I have an Nvidia card--manually setting the program to my monitor's refresh rate in the Nvidia control panel fixes this issue for the time being.
Finished yesterday on mobile and wanted to share my review. My stance may change with the PC version though.
-Character Customization is pretty nice. The full use of the sliders were fun to mess around with and sort of get different body types. It was especially helpful on mobile since at some point it gets hard to see in cutscenes the bigger your character gets.
-I thought characters interactions were fun, and feeding NPCs resulting in permanent body changes was a nice addition.
-Emily was a great addition and I think helped a lot with the feeding mini game. She was also good for customization with boob expansion + the energy addition was needed.
-The experience of playing the game felt nicer, despite issues I had with it. The new UI was better than before.
Not so Positives (& possible bugs):
-Unfortunately, the story fell flat to me. Which is okay, it's a porn game lol. But I was sort of interested in a big reveal of the founder or the demon lady having some big part of the story. It also felt that NPCs stories would just, end, with no resolution. I won't go into much detail due to spoilers, but I think the reveal fell flat and didn't go anywhere.
-On the story more, I don't know if I wasnt fulfilling correct conditions or if I was missing dialogue, but I felt the story was a bit too spread out? It made the daily stuff (working, competition, inflation mini) feel more monotonous than I feel was intended.
-On the story again, some dialogue I just did not see, towards the end - starting with Arabella's last night scene. The communication bubble will pop up over characters, but dialogue boxes would not show up.
-As much as I liked the new UI, I had some issues with settings. Some were small that I didn't mind (my units would not stay as lbs and would switch back to kgs randomly), but others were frustrating. The biggest being the zoom feature. I played on mobile and the default zoom was way too close, especially at bigger sizes. But when I'd zoom out, it would reset anytime I entered or left a room, when I played a mini game, when I went to bed.
-The feeding minigame was frustrating as well. In the beginning ranks it was fine, but near the higher ones, waiting for the button to reset was tedious once full. Felt unfun after a while.
Overall, I found the game enjoyable, but was just disappointed by some of the features and bugs on release. I understand it was one developer creating this game, however, so I can look past the issues as that's understandable (especially since I think it'll be fixed eventually from the devs comments). I am really looking forward to seeing future projects by this dev.
Will say, I just tried the PC version and the model is messing up pretty bad - the clothing and hair are not attached to the model. I uninstalled and will reinstall to see if that fixes the problem.
Thank you so much for the response. I wanna release a bug fix update so this is really useful.
As for the story, tbh this game was never meant to have a story in the first place, because writing is literally the weakest skill I have. I added it so there would be something to do on the side, but it evolved into this way bigger thing. Yeah the ending for most characters wasn't that satisfying because it was rushed. I was running out of time so I wanted to wrap things up quickly. There were bunch of ideas and storylines that I never used because writing and planning takes up quite a lot of time. Plus as I said before, I'm not really a good writer.
I don't think that I'm going to make any more games. This thing took up all of my free time and I had almost no social life because of it. I think the healthy thing to do is to quit
Loved your works all the way through and will always give you some donations for creations. Thanks for what you've given us and hopefully you come back someday
Is the eating contest required for the story? Because it's bugged for me. Im stuck in negative rankings because sometimes the bot will suddenly eat four burgers in a second, where as my timer, no matter what I do, is stuck at one burger every 2 seconds. Now which one is the bug, idk, but its breaking my game, whatever it is.
Oh, that should be more than enough, but now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure I didn't take framerate into consideration, which means that slower fps might make the bar go slower. I'll work on it and update it.
im sure its been reported by now but bug i found is that you lose movement for mouse after the inflation mini game. MY time for far in the game has been a blast the only thing i would like and recomend is to make M2 for camera movment and M1 for char movement and menu/ UI interactions.
Okay, so I haven't played enough of the game just yet, I'll wait until I finish it to post an actual review, but I do have some things to say so far. 1) I think the changes to the game are good it makes the overall enjoyment better
2) the character customizer is amazing, finally we can determine what our character will look like
3) the inflation minigame I have to things to say about it, I actually love the fact that it can't be cheesed anymore, it used to make the game not last at all. However, at least on my end, it's broken. What I mean by that is anytime I exit the minigame, I can't move anywhere, I've tried this on both PC and Mobil. I don't know if this is just happening to me, or if this has happened to everyone else, or hell if there's a new update that's out that I just didn't know about that I haven't gotten yet. the only way I found how to fix this is by saving and quitting the game every time I want to play it.
Overall I'm having a blast just playing it THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THIS GAIN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
i can confirm i ran in to this myself after the inflation mini game you will lose mouse movement and the only fix i found is saving and quitting to main menu (PS: W,A,S,D is map and works for pc)
so, id taken a bunch of pills, then drank a keg of soda. normal bloating reaction. after that, i realised that the belly rub station can give money, so i sat there for a while, and that caused the stomach capacity to hit negative numbers.
i havent been able to recreate the bug, but i did manage to fix it by entering an eating contest, although i cant confirm if that was a fix for the negative capacity, or the permanent bloating, as i cant recreate
Phone version is a bit bugged XD you can tap wit all your 10 fingers to trigger the button so you just jeet out.... in 20 min i got to the capaity 6000
Question would people who have downloaded the game before it's released get updated or no, they have to buy the thing ?, this is coming from a future developer here.
I really enjoyed playing this and might try mobile. I'm on PC and even though the game play is pretty slow its still really good. But when it comes to increasing the stomach size, having to click the arrow over the green bar goes a bit too fast after around 5 or 6 clicks. I get if the bar grows over time but maybe make it JUUUUUUST a bit slower and pick up around maybe 10-15 clicks.
Nice game, you somehow made the (relatively) low poly style look quite nice. Played this on pc and got through to the (current) end nice and smooth. What wasn't smooth was how I get screen tearing whenever I turn the camera, so some more options would be nice. I also noticed that the game closes completely after I save, instead of returning to the main menu.
About the characters though - I find them all more or less unpleasant to talk to because of their attitudes. It seems like everyone is so hostile to each other, including the mc herself. But that's just preference I guess.
The demon seems to be out of reach after she gets bigger, so the coin game can't be played anymore. Not that I was missing that part of the game, but it doesn't really seem that intentional. [Edit: After restarting the game, she got back to normal size, so I guess some process got stuck at some point instead of resizing her.]
In the conclusive talk with the redhead you were talking about having a hard time making clothes behave with other body types, so how about instead of having a separate cloth mesh that has to conform to the player mesh, you just colour the player mesh at certain regions to make it look like they were wearing clothes? This'd circumvent any clipping issues, though I do realise that not all clothing items are suitable for this change, like the dress top. Just wanted to leave my idea here with you, so you can try out a new approach to the problem.
Thanks for playing. I have no idea why might cause the screen tearing. Sorry about that. Next update the game goes to the main menu.
I also didn't like the story and I've already changed it up.
The devil kept her size because the story was over anyways and I was too lazy to make her normal again. The coinflip isn't going to be in the full game.
Looking back on it I could have made bunch of stuff better with clothes and body types, but it's too much work now and I'm just gonna release it as it is.
Big Moist though it's expected from a big project when & if possible is subjective he never promised is it still summer goin into September? he can finish it by Winter no promises could be next year!
I can't install this on my phone... whenever I try, I get a message saying instillation failed. According to my package installer, the native code did not match any of the ABI's supported by the system. I'm running Android 9, and it worked on another one of my devices running it... can you help me figure out what's wrong?
I did a little bit of digging and it seems that Android 9 is a little out of date. It doesn't support latest apps which probably includes this build. I can't really try a different build because I don't have that version of the game anymore and the new one is really messy to be playable rn.
Loving the game so far. the only thing I'd like to see you already addressed it in game. Sadly no new body shapes, just fat bottom. Lol well what about hucow? And is there a size/weight limit. I'm almost 2000lbs in game
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she's gonna come back later in the story. and I'm sorry but you can't milk her
oh sad
I also wonder if there can be a sort of end game by increasing food mass per click scaled by ranks after finishing the story.
The game is definitely a lot of fun though I think an option to make gains faster could be useful. just for the sake of seeing quick growth sequences. Nonetheless, great game for the community, excited to see any future updates and the core gameplay loop is enjoyable.
Also. minor issue, not sure how you'd go about fixing it, but clicking on menus puts a move point down. Move points also take priority over inputs, so holding W and then accidentally clicking just leads to you standing still, until you click on your feet or let go of W and autowalk to the point
edited: some of my "critiques" were undone by just progressing further, great game
hi, sadly eating comp issue is still there, they are eating much faster than we can most of the time, it seems to be more of a bug than the speed they eat as sometimes their bar will fill double what it should, i did a game capture to show what i mean if you are ok with me putting it up here
yeah definetly that would help me
I sincerely apologize but I really enjoy this game on mobile but unfortunately I haven’t won a single competitive eating how do I win I’ve expanded upwards of 4k+ and tap the icon as soon as it’s full and I manage to always get less than my opponent what can I do
I just uploaded a new version, tell me if it's better
Oh heavens yes works so much better thank you so much you're the best
so what was updated?
People have still problems with the eating competition. I made it a bit easier
whats the deal with the competion eating i have to wait till my food bar is ready and the ai just eats 4 food in 1 second how is this fair
Yeah, the balancing is a little broken. I'm working on it
yeah, same issue here, I thought it was a glitch or something.
Just finished the game. Bit disappointed with the devil angle. Honestly i would have made her a reset option. At the end of the game you have the option to reset everything, the reward? All foods reward double the weight and the cost is reduced by 1-2 coins and you can do it up to 5 times
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm gonna make a sandbox version of the game where you can modify all the stats you want. So there's something to look forward to
So after downloading it this morning I've noticed that no matter how much capacity i have for the eating contest my opponent just eats faster than I can. Is there a way to increase the speed in which i can eat or is it a bug that they can just eat like... 2 or 3 pieces of food all at once. I haven't been able to win a single contest and i've run like 10 of them.
EDIT: Finally started winning, but i feel like the earliest stages of the eating competition shouldn't have taken as much expansion as it did. That said, I just need to grind way more than i thought i would need to.
EDIT 2: After doing more grinding, i found myself losing and being brought back down to ranking -8. My current quest is to beat stacy in an eating competition but I can't even crawl out of the negative ranks because every time i win a few matches I am immediately struck back down into the negatives because the AI is eating 2-3 pieces of food all at once and sometimes when the bars have met and I'm winning they eat while i'm not allowed to and it says I lose, even if my bar was longer.
I'll make it easier. Are you on PC?
I was on PC, i eventually did beat the game though. It just took a good deal more time than i thought, and once i started winning, i never lost.
Yea, I think I should make the progression faster. I want people to get the most enjoyable experience out of it
just got the new update, my game still has an issue where all of the volume options reset to 0 when leaving settings, both in-game and on the title screen. wasn't sure if it was a bug or an issue with my PC so i thought i'd post it here, haven't seen anyone else mention it. redownloading the files doesn't fix it
also, my story progress seems to halt somewhere around getting the "falling out of bed" cutscene. i did two separate playthroughs and both ran into the issue. really frustrating cause it seems like half of what was advertised is in that second half.
i think i'll have to wait for another bug patch to try again, but overall, the improvements i've been able to experience were great! fantastic work!
in the quests panel there's a transparent text in the bottom left corner that tells you what to do next. What does it say?
sorry about the second issue mentioned, i'd played through the game by checking up on everyone, didn't notice the objective text. for the record, this game was $8 well spent
when i first downloaded and played the game. the audio had no issues. i can't for the life of me think of what i may have done to set this issue off, but i've noticed that save data persists even after trashing the game's folder. if you could please let me know where in a PC's memory the game's latent files would be stored, that'd be all i'd need, since theoretically, fixing this issue would be as simple as deleting those files and forcing the game to reestablish them.
also if it helps. for some reason the inflation sound effect from the water drinking minigame still works even though all sfx are at 0.
Thanks for playing. I'm still working on the issues
I'm not sure if your saves are at the same place but mine is in AppData\Local\MyProject3\Saved
thank you!
Hey I've been enjoying the game and I think I'm near the end. Do you never use the feedinator for anything? Seemed like the perfect way to fatten up your friends at the end
I had plans, but I ran out of time and ended up never using it
Will it be added at an later date?
I don't know, I don't think I have time to work on this game anymore
What're the controls for the milking minigame? The only option i get is to quit?
you pull down
this game is bugged as hell man, i WANT to play it and i DID buy it but it wont let me move
I'm working on a bugfix
Please fix the game on android, when you start the game, you can not put food in a box, as well as interact with the environment (sleep, eat, talk)
Put the food on the food image under the box. It's weird but it works for me
This game absolutely obliterates my GPU temp. (100% usage.) I don't recall the demo version doing that. Any fix? There are no graphics settings.
Oh no, I was worried about this happening. I've added a lot of new features since the last update, I'll see what I can do about it.
I was able to do a stopgap fix since I have an Nvidia card--manually setting the program to my monitor's refresh rate in the Nvidia control panel fixes this issue for the time being.
Finished yesterday on mobile and wanted to share my review. My stance may change with the PC version though.
-Character Customization is pretty nice. The full use of the sliders were fun to mess around with and sort of get different body types. It was especially helpful on mobile since at some point it gets hard to see in cutscenes the bigger your character gets.
-I thought characters interactions were fun, and feeding NPCs resulting in permanent body changes was a nice addition.
-Emily was a great addition and I think helped a lot with the feeding mini game. She was also good for customization with boob expansion + the energy addition was needed.
-The experience of playing the game felt nicer, despite issues I had with it. The new UI was better than before.
Not so Positives (& possible bugs):
-Unfortunately, the story fell flat to me. Which is okay, it's a porn game lol. But I was sort of interested in a big reveal of the founder or the demon lady having some big part of the story. It also felt that NPCs stories would just, end, with no resolution. I won't go into much detail due to spoilers, but I think the reveal fell flat and didn't go anywhere.
-On the story more, I don't know if I wasnt fulfilling correct conditions or if I was missing dialogue, but I felt the story was a bit too spread out? It made the daily stuff (working, competition, inflation mini) feel more monotonous than I feel was intended.
-On the story again, some dialogue I just did not see, towards the end - starting with Arabella's last night scene. The communication bubble will pop up over characters, but dialogue boxes would not show up.
-As much as I liked the new UI, I had some issues with settings. Some were small that I didn't mind (my units would not stay as lbs and would switch back to kgs randomly), but others were frustrating. The biggest being the zoom feature. I played on mobile and the default zoom was way too close, especially at bigger sizes. But when I'd zoom out, it would reset anytime I entered or left a room, when I played a mini game, when I went to bed.
-The feeding minigame was frustrating as well. In the beginning ranks it was fine, but near the higher ones, waiting for the button to reset was tedious once full. Felt unfun after a while.
Overall, I found the game enjoyable, but was just disappointed by some of the features and bugs on release. I understand it was one developer creating this game, however, so I can look past the issues as that's understandable (especially since I think it'll be fixed eventually from the devs comments). I am really looking forward to seeing future projects by this dev.
Will say, I just tried the PC version and the model is messing up pretty bad - the clothing and hair are not attached to the model. I uninstalled and will reinstall to see if that fixes the problem.
Thank you so much for the response. I wanna release a bug fix update so this is really useful.
As for the story, tbh this game was never meant to have a story in the first place, because writing is literally the weakest skill I have. I added it so there would be something to do on the side, but it evolved into this way bigger thing. Yeah the ending for most characters wasn't that satisfying because it was rushed. I was running out of time so I wanted to wrap things up quickly. There were bunch of ideas and storylines that I never used because writing and planning takes up quite a lot of time. Plus as I said before, I'm not really a good writer.
I don't think that I'm going to make any more games. This thing took up all of my free time and I had almost no social life because of it. I think the healthy thing to do is to quit
Loved your works all the way through and will always give you some donations for creations. Thanks for what you've given us and hopefully you come back someday
Thank you so much for the kind words!
What happened?
Finished the game and it was interesting. Looking forward to more future content.
Can we change the size/height of the character in the current version ?
No. I actually had the feature to change height, but it messed up the dialogue camera placement
Can we have it in the future ? I wanted this feature so much :(
Yeah, okay. I could add it back
Lets goooo nice update btw
Is the eating contest required for the story? Because it's bugged for me. Im stuck in negative rankings because sometimes the bot will suddenly eat four burgers in a second, where as my timer, no matter what I do, is stuck at one burger every 2 seconds. Now which one is the bug, idk, but its breaking my game, whatever it is.
me too
Me three. It seems to be completely random whether or not I have a chance at winning the competition.
EDIT: Typo.
Yeah, maybe I should decrease the randomness. but in the meantime I recommend increasing the belly capacity in order to turn the odds in your favor
how much should I increase the capacity? Because I have it at 1700 right now.
Oh, that should be more than enough, but now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure I didn't take framerate into consideration, which means that slower fps might make the bar go slower. I'll work on it and update it.
im sure its been reported by now but bug i found is that you lose movement for mouse after the inflation mini game.
MY time for far in the game has been a blast the only thing i would like and recomend is to make M2 for camera movment and M1 for char movement and menu/ UI interactions.
Okay, so I haven't played enough of the game just yet, I'll wait until I finish it to post an actual review, but I do have some things to say so far.
1) I think the changes to the game are good it makes the overall enjoyment better
2) the character customizer is amazing, finally we can determine what our character will look like
3) the inflation minigame I have to things to say about it, I actually love the fact that it can't be cheesed anymore, it used to make the game not last at all. However, at least on my end, it's broken. What I mean by that is anytime I exit the minigame, I can't move anywhere, I've tried this on both PC and Mobil. I don't know if this is just happening to me, or if this has happened to everyone else, or hell if there's a new update that's out that I just didn't know about that I haven't gotten yet. the only way I found how to fix this is by saving and quitting the game every time I want to play it.
Overall I'm having a blast just playing it THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THIS GAIN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
i can confirm i ran in to this myself after the inflation mini game you will lose mouse movement and the only fix i found is saving and quitting to main menu (PS: W,A,S,D is map and works for pc)
I'm glad you enjoy the game. I'm gonna fix the inflation game
I was excited to play on Android but the link doesn't work. Fix the link please. We paid money 💰
I'll figure it out
Thank you! It has been working since you made the new update.
what happens when you balloon up, and then have -stomach capacity? does that wear off over time like its meant to and reset, or is this game-breaking?
oh, that I think is a problem. If you're talking about the pills, they will wear off at some point and you can eat again
so, id taken a bunch of pills, then drank a keg of soda. normal bloating reaction. after that, i realised that the belly rub station can give money, so i sat there for a while, and that caused the stomach capacity to hit negative numbers.
i havent been able to recreate the bug, but i did manage to fix it by entering an eating contest, although i cant confirm if that was a fix for the negative capacity, or the permanent bloating, as i cant recreate
Holy crap... It released. Now I gotta save up lol
can you tell me what the error says?
I am getting a parsing error or a you can't install this APK on your device.
FINALLY!!!! I can't wait to play this later today
Phone version is a bit bugged XD you can tap wit all your 10 fingers to trigger the button so you just jeet out.... in 20 min i got to the capaity 6000
Yea, That's usually how I ended up playing. GainGame could've added a cap to this where once you got a certain amount you just won the mini game
Question would people who have downloaded the game before it's released get updated or no, they have to buy the thing ?, this is coming from a future developer here.
Pretty sure you won't have to have it pre downloaded
Well, the release is going to be behind a paywall. So in order to download it, you're gonna have to buy it
I inflated so much during the minigame i found a second demon girl XD
Glad to see someone else noticed
Oh damn, she's the one I use for the flip anim btw. I'm actually starting to worry what you might see in the full version
Don't worry about it~ game is great regardless. My bigger problem is at 3000lbs my character resets XD
We'll just say they're Easter eggs ;)
If you get even bigger you see the girl with the blue hair welding in the ground
I really enjoyed playing this and might try mobile. I'm on PC and even though the game play is pretty slow its still really good. But when it comes to increasing the stomach size, having to click the arrow over the green bar goes a bit too fast after around 5 or 6 clicks. I get if the bar grows over time but maybe make it JUUUUUUST a bit slower and pick up around maybe 10-15 clicks.
Hey, That's not a bad idea. At first I was worried that people would get tired having to click too much every time. I agree, 5-6 is a bit too little
Nice game, you somehow made the (relatively) low poly style look quite nice. Played this on pc and got through to the (current) end nice and smooth. What wasn't smooth was how I get screen tearing whenever I turn the camera, so some more options would be nice. I also noticed that the game closes completely after I save, instead of returning to the main menu.
About the characters though - I find them all more or less unpleasant to talk to because of their attitudes. It seems like everyone is so hostile to each other, including the mc herself. But that's just preference I guess.
The demon seems to be out of reach after she gets bigger, so the coin game can't be played anymore. Not that I was missing that part of the game, but it doesn't really seem that intentional. [Edit: After restarting the game, she got back to normal size, so I guess some process got stuck at some point instead of resizing her.]
In the conclusive talk with the redhead you were talking about having a hard time making clothes behave with other body types, so how about instead of having a separate cloth mesh that has to conform to the player mesh, you just colour the player mesh at certain regions to make it look like they were wearing clothes? This'd circumvent any clipping issues, though I do realise that not all clothing items are suitable for this change, like the dress top. Just wanted to leave my idea here with you, so you can try out a new approach to the problem.
Thanks for playing. I have no idea why might cause the screen tearing. Sorry about that. Next update the game goes to the main menu.
I also didn't like the story and I've already changed it up.
The devil kept her size because the story was over anyways and I was too lazy to make her normal again. The coinflip isn't going to be in the full game.
Looking back on it I could have made bunch of stuff better with clothes and body types, but it's too much work now and I'm just gonna release it as it is.
Hello. How to play the milking mode mentioned in last update?
Not out yet, only until the full release which will be the next update
when will it be
No idea, but GainGame wants to put it out by the end of summer
Big Moist though it's expected from a big project when & if possible is subjective he never promised is it still summer goin into September? he can finish it by Winter no promises could be next year!
Also found a glitch on mobile if you get past 600 stomach space you can break the size limit
Oh that's interesting, I have no idea why it does that
600? I'm at 3k and that doesn't happen for me
You have to have eaten nothing and then do the water mini game
Nice lol
Ohh, now I get how you did it. It's quite a nice find
how'd you get that green bar to be so big?
--nvm just found out. it increases with capacity
and how to do this, I still don't understand, can you please explain, I play on the phone
how can I use this on an iPad
I can't install this on my phone... whenever I try, I get a message saying instillation failed. According to my package installer, the native code did not match any of the ABI's supported by the system. I'm running Android 9, and it worked on another one of my devices running it... can you help me figure out what's wrong?
I did a little bit of digging and it seems that Android 9 is a little out of date. It doesn't support latest apps which probably includes this build. I can't really try a different build because I don't have that version of the game anymore and the new one is really messy to be playable rn.
Loving the game so far. the only thing I'd like to see you already addressed it in game. Sadly no new body shapes, just fat bottom. Lol well what about hucow? And is there a size/weight limit. I'm almost 2000lbs in game
Well there's gonna be milking.
I'm not sure where the size limit is on the current version
looking forward for the milking part. Alright I'll keep going for weight and see any difference between 2k and 3k.
how? I seem to be stuck at 340lbs.
I just keep feeding. Use nothing but gum until you get big enough to use a burger to over stuff and again with bucket.
will it cost money in the end
The full version is going to cost a little
but the demo will always be free
Honestly, this is fair from GainGame, there are very few game devs that put this much effort into their games
Is there a size limit?
Yes, currently the limit is much smaller than it's going to be in the full version
another chub chomp chill copy?
alr then, sorry for being out for 92 days....