PC demo is out!


The PC version is out! 

Here you can eat food without dragging and also I gave you the ability to move using your keyboard.

The lighting isn't quite what I wanted, I'm sorry about that. If there are any other problems, let me know


Virtual Gainer 2 - demo v1.5.zip 173 MB
Feb 09, 2024

Get Virtual Gainer 2

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okay after finally being able to check out the new update, I have a few things to say.
1) It looks amazing on PC, and the removal of the drag-and-drop feature is really good and just feels natural on PC. 

2) The WASD movement is a good addition, but I do find myself still just playing it with one hand if you know what I mean ;)

3) The packaging minigame can be very unfair in some moments, the timer for packaging the food can be WAY too fast, and you just straight up don't have time to package the food items. On a personal note, I do think that the packaging can feel awkward at times especially when you try to go from one end of the screen to the other. If there were a way to also get rid of the drag-and-drop feature in that minigame it might really help it out, but I wouldn't know how you would implement that. 

4) I don't know if you intended to get rid of the ability to make money off of the inflation minigame, but I am currently unable to make money off of it. 

5) Because the inflation minigame doesn't make money anymore, making money to buy food is WAY too slow, although I do really like the fact that the game does last longer because of it, it just doesn't feel right. 

6) I encountered a bug where if you save and quit the game it will reset your energy, making it so you never have to sleep. (I tried it like 5 times, so it wasn't a one-time thing) 

7) I noticed that clipping was less prominent in this so props to you

8) The dialogue was implemented well, so again, props to you 

Overall, the update is still great and most of it did translate well from mobile to PC, the packaging minigame doesn't feel all that good to play for me personally, visually the game looks great and I can't wait for the first full release of the game.

PS: if there is anything else I encounter, I'll probably make a follow-up post 

Thanks alot. I fixed the bugs

I know the drag game doesn't trsnslate well to PC so right now i gave you more time and you get more money from it. Not a perfect solution but good enough for now.


how do you download it? I can only see the android files


This is great, thanks for the updates, really looking forward to the new mechanics and sizes!

Deleted 241 days ago

Yep, that's not supposed to happen. I hope it's a one off thing though

(1 edit) (+1)

There is one oddity, on it's a small thing. It's just that sometimes after you fall asleep and wake up in the morning, the Packer game button appears even though you are in the bedroom



