New version!
Hey everyone!
I'm back with a new update. Initial plan was to release a full version by now but the game got a bit bigger than I originally planned and the full version is still far away. So here's another free update for you!
A lot of changes have been made, most are so small you might not even notice them.
I've added 2 more characters and a lot more dialogue. One of them has a new minigame. It's a way to earn and lose money. It seems like a nice addition to the world. It introduces more randomness to the game which I feel like makes the game more interesting.
I changed up the packaging game a bit. I know people didn't like the dragging that much. I understand, it got a little tedious even for me when testing it. This time there's less dragging, but I didn't remove it completely. Even though the minigame is pretty much the same, I feel like the minigame is a little less annoying now.
I improved the map, I'm not sure if the realistic forest blends well with everything else. Fun fact about it: the image is AI generated.
The path to work is a little longer but I fixed it by finally adding running to the game. You can't run while you're eating or stuffed.
On top of that now there are 3 buttons on the right side of the screen that take you to 3 different places, hopefully it makes navigation much easier.
Sound effects!
I know a lot of people wanted them, well here they are! There are probably a couple of sounds still missing or don't really fit but I'll eventually get all of them done. I thought to add nature sounds instead of background music, feels calmer and doesn't get annoying after a while.
If you get the belly big enough you will start to hear it sloshing when walking.
I added burps! They are toggleable only in the startup menu. By deafult they are off. I know some of you freaks wanted farts aswell, I didn't add them just out of pure lazyness. Hopefully next update.
Now the next addition. I decided to lock up the clothes. Now you have to earn or buy them. This might seem like a downgrade from a previous version but I feel like it adds more gameplay and makes you earn the clothes which gives more value to them. You might randomly get the colthes from packages but not the colors, they can be obtained only by buying.
Worked on weight and belly balancing. I feel like I'm finally satisfied with the progression. Now it takes way longer to be able to eat a whole chicken.
Btw now you can see your weight and belly ratio by clicking on the gut icon
There's probably more stuff I changed that I already forgot about.
I'm trying to make this the last update before full release which takes atleast 2-3 months. (minimum!)
I really wanna make all the characters feedable in the full release.
So there's something to look forward to
Get Virtual Gainer 2
Virtual Gainer 2
Status | Released |
Author | GainGame |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | belly, expansion, fat, feedee, inflation, weight-gain |
More posts
- Small updateNov 22, 2024
- Finally a full release!Sep 05, 2024
- THE GAME IS FINISHED..... on mobileAug 23, 2024
- What's been going on?Jul 27, 2024
- PC demo is out!Feb 09, 2024
- BIG UPDATE!Feb 04, 2024
- PC VERSION IS HERE!Jan 10, 2024
- Finally fixed walking!Jan 09, 2024
- A new version is out!Jan 07, 2024
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hey gain, perchance just thought ide ask for console commands if you have any?
I'm not sure if I can do that. I don't know how the packaging works
no issue, thanks for the response!
soo I found out I opened the wrong version... sorry, lol
That's basically the end for now. I'd say that this is over half of the full story. Also in the full version, you'd be able to adjust the proportions to your liking.
I know I'm very late to this but might as well talk about what hasn't been talked about yet, we'll start with the good:
Dialogue is great very hooked in on it can't wait to see what happens in the full release. The animation had me feral, so great job on that. In terms of money making, I think it's perfect right now, the package minigame feels good right now, and the coin toss one I'm a really big fan of. Sounds sound great (cause I'm a little freaky I can't wait for farts to be added). The fast travel options is honestly a great addition. I noticed you added the thong that I mentioned in the previous update, so honestly I'm really happy about that. I honestly think locking the customization is a good call since it gives us more to do. I noticed the dialogue bubbles too, honestly great addition cause it's easier to track who's got stuff to say. Overall both demo versions of the game are great, and I still can't wait for the full release.
Stuff to improve:
Starting out, I think the packaging minigame should be brought down to 2 energy. If you're like me, and have either amazing tapping skills, or be able to have a frictionless mouse scroller (where if you bind left click to down scroll you get an insane amount left clicks in a single second) you can easily max out your belly capacity in the first few times you play the inflation minigame. I think the weight gain stuff should come from actually feeding the character rather then the inflation minigame that can be cheesed easily. This might be an unpopular opinion since I know everyone wants to make her as huge as possible, but lets not kid ourselves, it's incredibly easy to get her to be huge. As for clothes, there's a few problems with the bra and the pasties, they just don't fit to well in my opinion. Although I do think that locking the customization options is good, I do think that the hair styles shouldn't since a lot of the time you'll just be using the default options until you unlock the coin flip minigame. I think that there should be a way to be able to replay the animations without having to restart the game. There are other issues, but they've already been talked about so I don't think I'll mention them here.
1) Does the weight bonus in the packaging minigame come from how much food was packaged, or how heavy your character is?
2) Do you have planned to add a way rub the playable character's belly? (I think this would be a great addition)
2.1) In addition to question 2, have you planned a way for us the players to interact with the playable character aside from feeding them?
3) Is the playable map going to be expanded for if you add more characters to interact with?
4) For the full release, could the possiblity of missions be added? For example have a mission be to give the NPC's certain foods to get a reward from them.
5) Are you going to be releasing both PC and Mobile versions simultaneously from now on?
6) How are you doing? Have you been taking care of yourself, and looking after both your mental and physical states?
Oh also, I got her to be 1000lbs, and although the model doesn't show it unless you're asleep or doing the packaging minigame, if this is a sign of things to come then I absolutely can't wait to have her this big
Update to previous post, got her to over 2000lbs, I really appreciate this game, JUST LOOK AT HOW BIG MY GIRL GOT
Update, broke the game when I got her to 3000 lbs, the game just resets her :(

Yeah, that's a shame. That's the consequence of not limiting the morph
Thank you so much for this thorough feedback
I think that I can't make the inflation game harder. I'm pretty sure that most people aren't as good as you at this, probably removing the spam click option might even things out but even that will be an unpopular descision. I've wanted to give players agency. Right now they can choose how big to get her belly. If I take that away, the game would become less dynamic.
I see why one deafult hair is bad. I think that a better option is to give the player a choice between 3 deafult ones.
Just remembered that a long time ago I wanted to add different skin colors too. Somehow nobody has asked for it and I've completely forgotten that. That's probably gonna be in a new update.
Replay option could be nice.
1) weight bonus comes from the weight multiplied by the amount you've packaged
2) I've just recently thought about that when I tried the latest Chub Chomp Chill. My game feels way more rigid. So there are plans to make the player more dynamic. I haven't quite figured out what specific to do but belly rubs would be a great start.
3) I had no plans for it. But you just got my mind going, it would be so cool to go outside. With your missions idea the possibilities are endless. Although the game is already way bigger than I initially planned. The original idea was about only one player in one room playing minigames and the only interaction was between you and the player. But 6 characters is already more than enough for me to handle. Even they don't have much depth so I wouldn't want to add some more shallow characters.
4) I'm not sure if I could make them interesting enough. If the mission is just some proceduraly generated task about just doing sth 10 times it wouldn't be very interesting. Although some easter egg hunt might work with a bigger world mabye. idk
5) I guess so. But I just want to release the full game without any additional updates.
6) Thank you for asking. Right now I am pretty overwhelmed with university, work and bunch of other stuff. And making this game is not helping. I just hope that one day it will all be worth it.
Just started playing the most recent update, incredibly impressive considering how far it's come in just a few months! It's pretty fun, I like the gameplay loop a lot!
The only "bug" I see right now is that your coin flip is incredibly biased towards heads. I realized this around $500 and then started just playing over and over again choosing just heads. After a few tries, I won $32k and was able to just unlock everything. Also discovered that if you purchase all the items on one tab, then go to the next and purchase more, sometimes it would forget that I purchased the previous tab's items when I return to the tab... Wasn't paying close enough attention, so sorry I don't have more specific details.
Incredible job overall! You should be proud!
The choice you make from the coinflip doesn't actually matter. It only determines what animation to play when you won. Sometimes true randmomness doesn't seem random.
I gotta say that this game gets out of control really fast and you got really lucky.
I'm aware of the purchase bug, its gonna be fixed next update
Ah could definitely be that I got caught up in the feeling of "oh, I keep winning, this can't be true random". That said, the fact that you can just skyrocket in money so quickly might devalue a lot of the game loop unless there is some other reason to do the work challenge every day. Perhaps instead of following an exponential curve, it ramps up to $32 exponentially, then after that it just keeps adding $32? Up to you entirely, but it was two game days for me of realizing I could buy the unlocks (thought I had to just get them from random drops), then spending some money unlocking until I was down to like $50, then spent all my money gambling and came away with $32k. If that's working as intended, then great! If you want it to be harder to get the unlocks, maybe some of them must be earned through the work loot box? Maybe they cost more? idk, just musing
Love youre game, but i downloaded the android version and i cant sleep maybe i do something wrong. Also i cant change her breastsize and i try it with no clotches
you need to interact with every character before you can go to sleep. Although I'm not sure what problem you have with the breast size
I got with the sliders :D but than i finnish the demo and they told that the bug is already known. Anyway fantastic game thumps up
Also some hopes for next update: more burp noises when she's stuffed vs not full yet.. when her belly gets big enough, just burps from walking around.. I liked the dialogue a lot.
Thanks, I think that I can make the burp frequency a slider so you decide yourself how much you want it
how do i know when I get to end-of the update?
There are dialog that makes it VERY clear, when you get to the end of the current story (far more so than the previous version had)
1) There seems to be a bug, where starting the water hose games resets your belly capacity down to 110 capacity, and (and thus corresponding low weight)
2) Loving the new packing game far better in general, that said maybe increase at least the height of the succefully hit to drag food to just a bit, there been a few times where, when I drag fast I just overshoot by a bit and fail (just the hitbox, keep the visual area the same imo)
3) On the topic of the packing minigame the food rewards at the end screen overlap visually with the continue button, no issues actually clicking it, just looks a bit odd (I am using 1080p resolution, in case that matters)
4) Can we get an option to show the player weight in kg instead of lbs please?
4) The new coin-flip mini game SUCKS, click a button and pray is not interesting in the slightest. You are gonna need God tier luck to turn a profit on that. if it is becasue you need a money sink(which is fair, it is very easy to get more money than you know what to do with), either just make it mandatory to pay, or give some sort of benefit to the player for paying
5) Only being able to run while not stuffes, feels like it is pointless to be able to run at all. While it make sort of sense realstically, maybe have at least a limited runtime while stuffed too, via a stamina bar or something like that
6) Like the new characters, and new dialog, actually a lot more curious where the story is gonna go now, than I was before
7) And while locking away the clothes may seem harsh I agree it is a good thing for the game in general, specailly when you can choose to either jsut spend money to unlock, or just wait to get them from packing game (the latter generally being the more profitable option, as they cost more than the rewards from the packing that you loose out on on the day you might get them)
1) That is a bug that I think is fixed now
2) Can do
3) I know that it looks bad, but it was the easiest solution without having to adjust the animation. I was just lazy
4) Can do
4again) Actually I've simulated the game and most of the times it ended up with a huge profit. I've nudged the odds a little in your favor. Luckily if you don't like it then you can totally ignore it without affecting rest of the game.
5) I think I'm gonna keep it the way it is for now, you don't have to keep her stuffed. Most of the belly grows from the minigame and not stuffing.
6,7) Thanks, I'm glad you like it
how do i access the startup menu? I'm hitting options on the opening screen and nothing happens. I'm on PC
Fixed it